
USO Alaska is always looking for volunteers to support the USO Mission to strengthen the well-being of the people serving in America’s military and their families. Whether you’d like to volunteer at a USO Alaska Center, support events, help with outdoor work, minor repairs, or provide administrative support onsite or at home, this is a great opportunity to flex your talent in support of Alaska’s military community.

How do I sign up? Simply complete a brief online volunteer interest form, as follows:

  1. Go to https://volunteers.uso.org
  2. Click on “Register Here.”
  3. Enter “Alaska” in the search box.
  4. Click “Volunteer” under the location you’d like to work at.
  5. Complete the volunteer interest form.
  6. Click “Submit.”

A USO Alaska Center Operations Supervisor will soon contact you to answer questions, schedule a one-hour new volunteer orientation training session and get you on-boarded so that you may begin as a new member of our USO family!

Do I need military experience to volunteer for the USO? No. While many USO volunteers are currently serving, veterans, retirees, or family members of service members, we also welcome individuals without a military connection. Many “civilians” want to give back to those serving our country. Volunteering with the USO is a great way to support the military. We’ll help to coordinate base access and teach you the ropes. You’ll learn more about the military as you go. The USO welcomes diverse experience, abilities and perspectives!

Can I bring my kids with me to volunteer?

  • No one under the age of 10 is permitted to volunteer with the USO.
  • Children aged 10-14 may be a one-time or group volunteer, not an ongoing center volunteer.
  • Teens age 15-17 can be a one-time/group volunteer or ongoing center volunteer if volunteering with a parent or guardian. This must be coordinated in advance with a USO staff member. Minor volunteers are NEVER to be left unattended or unsupervised.

Adult volunteers are not to bring their children with them when volunteering, unless those children have been accepted as USO volunteers, per the above guidelines.

What if I’ve already been a USO volunteer at another location? If you’ve volunteered with another USO in a different state, the on-boarding process may be even faster but you’ll still need to complete the interest form and attend a New Volunteer Orientation session, as each USO operates a little differently.

What if I have questions before I sign up? We’re happy to answer any questions you may have. Please contact a Center Operations Supervisors for the USO Alaska location of your choice: -email us at usoalaska@uso.org

Continue on volunteers.uso.org