USO Alaska Welcomes Community Partner as Chinook Sponsor
2021 has been a hectic year, full of new programming developments, expeditionary and outreach missions to new locations (Cordova, Bethel, Juneau), a new Advisory Board, and new relationships with prominent leaders and organizations in the community.
These relationships are so important to help galvanize the community to support our men and women of the Armed Forces and their family members. With 25% of Alaskan households having an active-duty member or veteran as part of their household, it is apparent how nested with the community our service members are.
USO Alaska is pleased to announce that Alaska Communications has partnered with USO Alaska as a “Chinook” level sponsor. This partnership highlights their already established reputation as advocates for our Alaskan communities and our Nation’s heroes. Alaska Communications is an organization that “customers and community can rely on,” which reinforces USO Alaska’s mission to keep our service members connected to family, home, and country.
Active during the pandemic with solutions to widespread challenges with at-home learning, Alaska Communications once again steps up as an active and engaged partner in the communities where their team members live and work. USO Alaska is proud to designate Alaska Communications as a Chinook Sponsor.
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